Sunderland Meeting : Intelligent Fault Diagnostics

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Day 1 : Wednesday 9th June 2004 : Themed Papers

Time Session Supervisor
09:00 Registration and Coffee
09:30 The Use of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques and Neural Networks for Condition Monitoring of Elevators Dale Adison (Sunderland University)
10:30 Automated On-line Oil Analysis Using a Microsensor and Neural Networks Adam Adgar (Sunderland University)
11:15 Coffee
11:45 Hebbian Learning and Negative Feedback Neural Networks General Paper Colin Fyfe (University of Paisley)
12:45 Lunch
14:00 A Case Study of Bayesian Modelling on a Real World Problem Garen Arevian (Sunderland University)
14:45 Intelligent Fault Diagnostics on the Grid Xiaoxu Ren (Sheffield University)
15:30 Tea
16:00 Embedded ANN-based On-board Diagnostics Neil Lightowler and Chris Kirkham (Axeon Ltd)
17:00 Solution to Puzzle Corner #26
17:15 Close of Day One
18:30 Coach departs for Beamish Museum trip

Day 2 : Thursday 10th June 2004 : General Papers

Time Session Supervisor
09:15 An Evolutionary Approach to Image Recognition for British Telecom Philip Tann (Sunderland University)
09:55 Decision Support Systems for Police Giles Oatley (Sunderland University)
10:30 Coffee
11:00 The Conjunction of Process and Spectral Data for Enhanced Fault Detection Themed Paper Elaine Martin (Newcastle University)
12:00 NETLAB++ (A C++ Translation of NETLAB) Andrew Batchelor (Newcastle University)
12:30 Lunch
13:45 Unsupervised Learning of Objects and Parts from Video Michalis Titsias (Edinburgh University)
14:30 Grid-Enabled High-Speed Pattern Matching Using Correlation Matrix Memories Andy Pasley (York University)
15:15 Tea and Close of Meeting