University of York Meeting : Bioinformatics

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Day 1 : Tuesday) 10th April 2001 : Bioinformatics

Time Session Supervisor
08:45 Registration and Coffee
09:30 Tutorial: Introduction to Bioinformatics Sandie Baldauf (University of York)
10:30 Coffee
11:00 Analysing Protein Structure and Function Rod Hubbard (University of York)
11:45 Machine Learning Tools for the Analysis of Microarray Gene Expression Data Mahesan Niranjan (University of Sheffield)
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Knowledge-mining in Biological and Chemical Domains Stephen Muggleton (University of York)
14:45 Application of Advanced Computation Methods to Genome Projects Mike Sternberg (Imperial Cancer Research Fund)
15:30 Tea
16:00 Support Vector Machines for Pharmaceutical Classification Matthew Trotter (University College London)
16:30 Announcement - A New MSc in Intelligent Systems Sean Holden (University College London)
16:45 Solution to Puzzle Corner #16
17:00 Close of Day 1
19:00 Shuttle leaves for Social Event
19:30 Social Event: Mediaeval Banquet in Merchant Taylor's Hall Kindly sponsored by Cybula Ltd

Day 1 : Wednesday 11th April 2001 : General Papers

Time Session Supervisor
08:45 Registration and Coffee
09:30 High Performance Pattern Recognition Jim Austin (University of York / Cybula Ltd.)
10:15 Computational Reconstruction of the Dying Heart Arun Holden (University of Leeds)
11:00 Coffee
11:30 Wavelets - A Tutorial Joab Winkler (University of Sheffield)
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Total Proteome Analysis: Increasing the value of protein sequence data through structure-based annotation Mark Swindells (Inpharmatica)
14:45 The Management of Information Systems Initiative Gerry Mogg (Department of Trade and Industry)
15:30 Tea and Close of Meeting