Summer Meeting in Swansea University : Grand Challenges in Information-Driven Health Care

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Day 1 : Wednesday 20th May 2009 : Themed Papers

Time Session Supervisor
09:15 Coach to Swansea University (for those staying over on Tuesday night)
09:30 Registration and Tea / Coffee
10:00 Welcome David Ford (Health Information Research Unit for Wales)
10:10 Applying Knowledge to Improve Clinical Decision Making Jason Maude (CEO, Isabel Healthcare Ltd)
10:45 Personalisation of Cardiac Models for the Clinic Nic Smith (University of Oxford)
11:20 Patient Monitoring in the Hospital of the Future Christina Orphanidou (University of Oxford)
11:55 Title TBC Richard Kitney (Imperial College)
12:30 Lunch at Café West, Fulton House
13:30 Title TBC David Glasspool (University of Edinburgh)
14:05 Accurate and Reliable Prediction of Personalized Pathways using Patient Specific Data Rajesh Ransing & Mike Gravenor (Swansea University)
14:40 Patient-centred Early Detection Models : Setting a Research Agenda Glyn Elwyn (Cardiff University)
15:15 Tea / Coffee
15:40 Human Error: Active Error, Latent Error, IT and the Grand Challenge Harold Thimbleby (Swansea University)
16:15 Information Driven Health Care and RCUK Digital Economy Programme John Hand (Head of the Digital Economy Programme, RCUK)
16:40 Challenges in Information Driven Health Care: Role of Informing Health Care Martin Murphy (Informing Health Care)
17:10 End of Day One Coach to Travel Lodge and Premier Inn
18:30 Social Event - Coach Pickup from the Travel Lodge for Conference Dinner (Indian Meal) at Glamorgan Arms with Indian and Salsa Dance Performances

Day 2 : Thursday 21st May 2009 : Themed Papers and Workshop

Time Session Supervisor
08:45 Coach to Swansea University (for those staying over on Wednesday night)
09:10 Detecting Patient Deterioration in the Emergency Department David Clifton (University of Oxford)
09:45 A Clinician’s Perspective to Information Driven Health Care John Williams (Swansea University)
10:20 Clinically Relevant Bio-fluid Dynamics Perumal Nithiarasu (Swansea University)
10:55 Tea / Coffee
11:20 Solution to Puzzle Corner #41 [Follow the link to the new Puzzle Corner Page] Fenella the Rottweiler Graham Hesketh (Past Chairman, NCAF)
11:35 Setting the scene for breakout groups Delegates that are not funded by the Grand Challenges Programme are asked to suggest 3 Challenges that they would like the RCUK programme to fund in each of the following two categories: Bringing Benefits to Patients and Human Factors
11:45 Discussions in breakout groups
12:45 Lunch
13:30 Presentations from groups
14:40 Evaluation of the Event and Awarding of Prizes The originators of the best entries (from the suggested challenges) will be able to choose from a selection of books, kindly supplied by Springer Verlag.
15:00 Tea / Coffee and Close of Meeting