University of Birmingham : Applications of Evolutionary Computing

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Day 1 : Wednesday 14 June 2006 : Themed Papers

Time Session Supervisor
09:30 Registration and Tea / Coffee
10:00 Evolutionary Programming in Materials Modelling Jianguo Lin (University of Birmingham)
10:35 Using GAs to Design and Patent Bacterial Peptides Ian Stott (Unilever)
11:15 Tea / Coffee
11:45 Natural Computing in Industrial Research: Some stories from the trenches Dave Cliff (University of Southampton)
12:45 Lunch
13:30 Rose Walk and Networking
14:15 Natural Computation for Industrial Control Applications: An Overview L. Giovanini, M. Grimble (University of Strathclyde) A. Hussain (University of Stirling)
14:50 An Overview of Cercia's Nature-Inspired Applications Andy Pryke (University of Birmingham)
15:30 Tea / Coffee
16:00 Analysis Driven Design and Optimization Methods for Aircraft Structures Adrian Murphy (Queen's University Belfast)
16:40 Solution to Puzzle Corner #32
17:00 End of Day One
18:15 Taxi pickup at Lucas House for Social Event (Indian meal and Ten Pin Bowling)

Day 2 : Thursday 15 June 2006 : General Papers

Time Session Supervisor
09:15 Computational Nanoscience: From Clusters to Proteins via Nature-Inspired Computation Roy L Johnston (University of Birmingham)
10:00 High Throughput Drug Design and Visualisation Dharmesh Maniyar (Aston University)
10:45 Tea / Coffee
11:15 Multiclassifier Systems for Gene Identification in DNA Sequences Vasile Palade (Oxford University Computing Laboratory)
12:00 EDDIE for Discovering Arbitrage Opportunities Edward Tsang (University of Essex)
12:45 Lunch
13:45 Title TBC Richard Tateson (BT)
14:30 Optimal Routing for Road Salting Vehicles Xin Yao (Cercia, University of Birmingham)
15:15 Tea / Coffee and Close of Meeting - To get back in time for the England game!