Meeting in Southampton University : The Future of Natural Computing

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Day 1 : Tuesday 26th September 2000 : General Papers

Time Session Supervisor
08:45 Registration and Coffee
10:00 Practical software implementations of Decision Trees John Vickers (neusciences)
10:45 Coffee
11:15 Lag detection for non-linear and non-stationary time series Ian Nabney (Aston University)
11:50 Clustering of non-stationary data Richard Everson (Exeter University)
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Kernel Methods for Learning: Splines, SVMs and Gaussian Processes Tony Dodd (Southampton University)
14:45 Designing within constraints Nigel Allinson (UMIST)
15:30 Tea
16:00 The History of NCAF Chris Satchwell and Mike Wynne-Jones
16:45 Solution to Puzzle Corner #14
17:00 Close of Day 1
18:30 Depart Glen Eyre Complex by coach for Ocean Village
20:00 Social Event: Hot Buffet in the Hall of Aviation

Day 2 : Wednesday 27th September 2000 : The Future of Natural Computing

Time Session Supervisor
08:45 Registration and Coffee
09:30 Faraday Partnerships - the future for directed research Richard Brook (SIRA)
10:15 Data fusion for condition monitoring Andrew Starr (Manchester University)
11:00 Coffee
11:30 Modern machine learning tools for computational biology Mahesan Niranjan (Sheffield University)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 An industrial view of directed research Peter Cowley (Rolls-Royce)
14:00 The outcome of TKQ and the future of directed research Jim Fleming (EPSRC)
14:30 Tea
15:00 Workshop on the future of natural computing and the role of directed research
16:00 Close of meeting