Cambridge Meeting on Clinical Biostatistics

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Day 1

Time Session Supervisor
09:00 Registration & Welcome
09:30 Statistics Refresher Dr Sarah Vowler, CRUK CRI Cambridge
10:15 Introduction to Clinical Studies Prof. Chris Palmer, IPH Cambridge
11:00 Coffee
11:30 Survival Analysis De-mystified Dr Peter Treasure, Cancer Registry
12:15 Adaptive Clinical Trial Design Dr James Wason, MRC Biostatistics Unit
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Randomised Controlled Trial of Unipolar Depressions in Adolescents: Methods, Measures and Analytic Perspectives Prof. Ian Goodyer, Psychiatry, Cambridge
14:30 Anticoagulation for Atrial Fibrillation in the Elderly: Insights from Analyses of the BAFTA Trial Prof. Jonathan Mant, GPPCRU Cambridge
15:00 Coffee
15:30 Phase I Trial Design in Oncology Prof. Duncan Jodrell, CRUK CRI Cambridge
16:00 Stratified Medicine and Biomarkers Prof. Lucinda Billingham, CRUK CTU Birmingham
16:30 Discussion: Challenges faced by clinicians
17:00 Wine reception