Meeting in Manchester University : Data Fusion : Joint NCAF / IEE

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Day 1 : Wednesday 5th July 2000 : General Papers

Time Session Supervisor
08:45 Registration and Coffee
09:20 Welcome and Introduction Andrew Starr (Manchester University)
09:30 Using GA's for Job Shop Scheduling Mark Cheeseman (Rolls-Royce)
10:10 Architectures for Data Fusion Andrew Starr (Manchester University)
10:45 Coffee
11:15 Keynote Talk — An Introduction to Probabilistic Graphical Models Chris Bishop (Microsoft Research)
12:45 Lunch
14:00 The Self-Organising Continuous Map (SOCM) Network Paul Hannah (Manchester University)
14:40 Bayesian Methods for Metrology Gavin Kelly (National Physical Laboratories, Teddington)
15:15 Tea
15:45 Introductory Tutorial on Data Fusion Graham Hesketh (Rolls-Royce)
16:45 Solution to Puzzle Corner #13
17:00 Close of Day 1
19:00 Social Event: Chinese Meal and Conjurer

Day 2 : Thursday 6th July 2000 : Data Fusion Papers

Time Session Supervisor
08:45 Registration and Coffee
09:20 Introduction to the Data Fusion Seminar Lionel Tarassenko (Oxford University)
09:30 The Use of Data Fusion to Aid in Early Detection of Heart Disease Kathryn Burn-Thornton (Durham University)
10:10 Learning Methods for Data Fusion in Jet Engine Health Monitoring Simukai Utete (Oxford University)
10:45 Coffee
11:15 Fusion, Coupling and Separation: the Joys of Probabilistic Data Analysis Stephen Roberts (Oxford University)
12:15 Lunch
13:30 Intelligent Estimators with Application to Data Fusion in Collision Avoidance Chris Harris (Southampton University)
14:10 Kalman Filters for Fun Graham Hesketh (Rolls-Royce)
14:45 Tea
15:15 Covariance Intersection in Theory and in Practice David Nicholson (BAE Systems, Sowerby)
15:55 Labelling Techniques for Combining Multiple Classifiers Terry Windeatt (Surrey University)
16:30 Close of Meeting