Exeter Meeting : Machine Learning for Global Optimisation

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Day 1 : Wednesday 23rd January 2002 : Themed Papers

Time Session Supervisor
10:00 Optional Workshop on Global Optimisation Richard Everson (Exeter University)
11:00 Registration and Coffee
11:30 Defining the Problem Space through Interactive Evolutionary Computation Ian Parmee (Advanced Computational Technologies and UWE)
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Evolutionary Optimisation and Constraint Handling Xin Yao (Birmingham University)
14:35 Title TBC David Corne (Reading University)
15:15 Tea
15:45 Elite Sets in Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms Jonathan Fieldsend (Exeter University)
16:20 Global Optimisation for Water Pipelines Dragan Savic (Optimal Solutions and Exeter University)
17:00 Solution to Puzzle Corner #19
17:15 Close of Day One
18:15 Dinner on campus Followed by optional Ten Pin Bowling trip.

Day 1 : Thursday 24th January 2002 : General Papers

Time Session Supervisor
09:15 Learning to Learn: controlling combinatorial optimisation James Pettinger (Exeter University)
09:50 Support Vector Machines in Combinatorial Chemistry Sean Holden (University College London)
10:30 Coffee
11:00 Using Artificial Neural Networks for Predicting Protease Cleavability: a case study in bioinformatics Ajit Narayanan (Exeter University)
11:45 The Role of Back-Propagating Action Potentials and Short-Term Synaptic Dynamics in Long-Term Plasticity and Learning Mike Denham (Plymouth University)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 NCAF AGM NCAF Members only
14:00 Advances in Hidden Markov Modelling: applications to sensor fusion, bird navigation and brain-computer interfacing Stephen Roberts (Oxford University)
14:40 Paper++ Peter Herdman (ArjoWiggins R&D)
15:15 Tea and Close of Meeting